Yearly Archives - 2005

EPS Ethylen-Pipeline Süd sichert Industriestandorte in Süddeutschland

München, 7. März 2005 – Sieben führende Unternehmen der Petrochemie und der chemischen Industrie haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um gemeinsam den Bau der EPS Ethylen-Pipeline Süd zu realisieren. Auf einer Pressekonferenz in München stellten der bayerische Staatsminister Otto Wiesheu, Gerhard Roiss, Generaldirektor Stellvertreter OMV Aktiengesellschaft sowie Peter-Alexander Wacker, Sprecher der Geschäftsführung...


EPS Ethylene Pipeline South Press Conference on March 7, 2005 in Munich – Statement Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker

Dr. Peter-Alexander WackerDeputy Chairperson of the Ethylene Pipeline South Advisory BoardManagement Spokesperson for Wacker-Chemie GmbH The spoken word applies! Ladies and Gentlemen! I am also very happy to welcome you to this kick-off press conference for the Ethylene Pipeline South. As a representative of the ethylene buyers in the Bavarian chemical triangle, I would...


EPS Ethylene Pipeline South Press Conference on March 7, 2005 in Munich – Statement Dr. Gerhard Roiss

Dr. Gerhard RoissChairperson of the Ethylene Pipeline South Advisory BoardDeputy General Director OMV Corporation The spoken word applies! Connecting the Bavarian petrochemical industry to the European ethylene network – liberating the industry from its isolation to secures it existence and create the prerequisites for continuing growth The Chemical Industry in Bavaria – South-eastern...